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Oklahoma State University

Faculty Corner

Welcome to the Faculty Corner! We compiled this information with professors in mind as partnership and clear communication between SAS and faculty is essential in provision of student accommodations. Our desire is to ensure you receive necessary support as you work with students for their academic and future success.

Use the tabs on the left side of the page to navigate by topic. If the information here does not answer your questions or you would like clarification in a specific case, please contact our office.

The Process

Students needing accommodations are responsible for self-identifying and registering with SAS by first completing an application form on AIM, our secure online accommodation management system. Documentation of disability must then be submitted to and verified by SAS. Following submission of documentation, students complete an intake meeting with SAS staff to discuss the limitations resulting from their disability and needed accommodations. Within 1-2 business days of completing the intake, students and faculty receive an accommodation letter via email from AIM. Students are responsible to arrange a time to discuss their accommodations with you. Disclosure of the nature of disability is not required in this conversation; a student’s diagnosed disability is legally protected information under HIPAA and FERPA. The accommodation letter serves as verification that the student has a disability and requires reasonable accommodations.


Common Accommodation Questions


Accommodations are effective from the date the accommodation letter is sent to you and are not retroactive. Students are advised to request their accommodations at the beginning of the semester or upon registering with SAS. If a student does not submit an accommodation request in a timely manner, you are not obligated to provide retroactive accommodations, though you may do so at your discretion.